Sunday, November 23, 2008

my body & Earth

right now, my head does not feel like it is connected to my body - not because of the 3 glasses of champagne that I consumed last night, nor because of me dancing like a whirling dervish (hope it is ok to use that term - I always worry about offending people but it describes exactly how I was dancing!!)... but because last night, I ate something with wheat in it and my body & my head are rebelling. It seems I am allergic to wheat & anything with wheat in it. I was so careful, but forgot that sausages may contain wheat and I ate one with gay abandon!!

a little disappointing that I feel like this on the first day of Earth week, when we are connecting with our bodies, because right now, I cannot connect to mine. And even more disappointing was that I was too ill to go to the Soul Collage workshop. I am usually healthy, I follow a very healthy lifestyle and it is beginning to show in my body.. my eyes are clearer, my allergies are lestening and I feel quite healthy. No, make that really healthy

I read through the introduction this morning, but that is all I did.. I think I only said the affirmation once, but I am sure that is ok.. the Goddess can see how ill I am.. so all is forgiven.... but I had to laugh when Denise mentioned digging a hole in the roots of a tree and snuggling. Oh how I wish I could do that... but if I did, the whole while I was snuggling, I would be in a high state of anxiety worrying about funnel web spiders. Or snakes.

I am so, so excited for this week. I love trees, I love dirt. I love nature, the Moon, the stars and hmmm the sun too I suppose... I absolutely love the Earth!!!

(ps. I won't be around to visit blogs tonight, I am going to bed.. but will come by tomorrow sometime.. thanks to all of you who visited me today!!)
UPDATE: just received an email telling me that there is another SoulCollage workshop this Wednesday night... the Divine is indeed good!


Paula - Buenos Aires said...

Hope you feel better really soon.

{{Thinking of you and sending quick recovery vibes}}

Funny that the word verification includes the word "mend"

Genie Sea said...

Blessed be Robyn!

Hope your feeling much better when you wake up, restored!

This is indeed the week for you, our garden goddess! :)

Tracy said...

Hope you feel better soon, Robyn!

Caroline said...

I feel very much like you... I gorged yesterday!!! I ate way too much and had a few cocktails with friends (luckily not hung over)...but all that food still sitting in my belly, feels awful!

Unknown said...

Sending you healing energy.

This is going to be THE week for you. Looking forward to seeing what unfolds.

Claudia said...

Hope you feel better soon. You may want to check out this blog:

Lisa said...

I too am excited about earth and stones and trees and roots and dirt and all of it.

Glad you had such a good time whirling, and that you get a second chance at your workshop too.

Feel better.

Jamie Ridler said...

Oops, I lost the comment I was writing. Hopefully I won't be reposting.

It seems that actually you really are connected to your body today, as it is requiring some extra love and attention. I hope that you're feeling better very soon and am so happy for you that you'll get to go to the Soul Collage workshop after all!

Tori said...

Feel better soon! I'm so excited about earth week. It's going to be good.

gma said...

Dancing like a whirling dervish sounds so fun!!!!I can't believe you ate sausage with gay abandon LOL! You are so funny!Hope you feel better soon.

Serena Lewis said...

OH NO, Robyn! I was sorry to hear that you had an allergic reaction to something you ate...maybe it was earth week's way of confirming that wheat in any form is off the menu for you.

I too feel that Earth week will be right up your alley with your strong connection to nature, particularly your garden. And, how wonderful that you will still be able to attend the Soul Collage workshop.

Sending you 'healing/feel better' vibes.

love, light and peace,

frustrated artist said...

Hope you are feeling better...this could be a positive step in a greater connection with your body. It starts with feeding your body (and soul) only nutrients that benefit and honour you!

Thinking of you!

Mjfontaine said...

Hope you feel better I do have a wheat intolerance too...

So I just buy wheat free stuff and do tend to eat a bit now and again so I understand how it feels..

I would have love to see you whirling lol...